Emerging RFID technology in structural engineering - A review


Radio frequency identification (RFID) has become a hot topic in structural engineering. It has an immense potential in promoting the intelligence of construction, changing the traditional way of detection, optimizing the usage of building. Especially during the last ten years, the number of publications focus on this technology has increased dramatically. In this paper, we presented a literature review of articles which focus on the applications of RFID in structural engineering. According to the different effects of RFID in different stages of the lifecycle of a building, we organized these applications into three main categories: intelligent construction, structural health monitoring (SHM) and intelligent management and operation. The basic theory of RFID technology, the tendency and status of current researches were discussed in this paper. Finally, the gap and latent improvement of existing applications in each category were proposed. It is hoped that our analysis of these researches will provide meaningful information on the comprehension of the applications of RFID in structural engineering.

In Structures
Duan, Kangkang
Duan, Kangkang
PhD Student of Civil Engineering

Kangkang is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia. Previously, he received his BSc degree in Highway and Bridge Engineering from Southeast University (Mao Yisheng Class) in 2019. Then, he received his MASc degree in Civil Engineering from Southeast University in 2022. His research interests include robotics, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, and physical machine learning.